Make a booking request
If you've not stayed with us before then you can easily register online and, once registered, it's quick and easy to make booking requests.
IMPORTANT: Sending a booking request is NOT the same as making a confirmed booking.
The system may show availability at the time you check but in busy periods there may be requests ahead of yours that have not yet been processed. All booking requests need to be processed by the team before they are confirmed. Once your booking is confirmed, you will receive a confirmation email. If we cannot accommodate your booking request, then you will receive an email saying it has been declined. We will always do our best to accommodate your request. It is advised to book early at peak times.
If you have registered or used the system before then click Submit Request or scroll down for a quick overview on how to use it.
2. Select your dog
Click add your pet to select which dog you are making the booking for and if you have more than one dog click 'Add another pet' to add them.
3. Put in the dates
Fill in your dates using the calendars by clicking on 'From' and 'To'.
4. Hit 'Submit'
Use the 'Any additional information' box to tell us about any special requirements and then hit 'Submit' to send us your request. The team will then review your request and reply.